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Insane AF

Insane AF

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Primal Labs Insane AF is hands down the most powerful stimulant Pre-Workout in the world while experiencing next level euphoria and a feel good type of energy and a massive boost in training performance.


Citrulline Malate 2:1 9,000mg

Beta Alanine 4,800mg

L-Taurine 2,000mg

L-Tyrosine 1,000mg

Alpha GPC 750mg

Caffeine Anhydrous 320mg

Theobromine 300mg

L-Theanine 150mg

1,3 DMAA 120mg

Di-Caffeine Malate 160mg

Caffeine Citrate 120mg

Himalayan Pink Salt 100mg

Synepherine HCL 30mg

Yohimbine HCL 5mg

Alpha Yohimbine 1mg

L-Citrulline Malate 2:1

Citrulline is a non-essential, non-protein amino acid that forms during the urea cycle and forms ornithine when combined with carbon dioxide. Citrulline is also a critical source of endogenous (natural) arginine, as it is rapidly and efficiently converted to arginine in the vascular endothelium and other tissues.
Citrulline’s benefits have been shown to be greater than its parent compound. While arginine undergoes direct hepatic (liver) metabolism through the enzyme arginase, citrulline bypasses hepatic metabolism entirely and it is delivered straight to the bloodstream. The result is that gut absorption and plasma (blood) bioavailability studies comparing citrulline and arginine have shown two things. First, that citrulline is less readily destroyed and has greater absorption than arginine. Second, that citrulline supplementation increases arginine levels more effectively than arginine supplementation itself.
This translates to promising results. For example, animal studies show a significant increase in anaerobic performance at a 250mg/kg/day serving of citrulline, while studies in humans implicate citrulline in both aerobic and anaerobic performance increases. As a critical part of the urea cycle, citrulline’s performance benefits are thought to be a result of its role in ammonia clearance. Citrulline is implicated in reducing the oxygen cost of muscle processes, along with increasing the rate of post-exercise ATP and phosphocreatine replenishment. As ATP and phosphocreatine are the body’s ‘exercise fuel,’ this may result in citrulline delaying time to exhaustion in aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed, and perhaps one of the most reviewed, psychoactive compounds. Its physiological effects in a range of areas have been well-documented, including exercise performance, information processing, alertness and mood enhancement, attention, and awareness, along with its anti-lipogenic and lipolytic abilities.
Most importantly to Primal Labs, caffeine has been shown to have significant effects on exercise performance. In endurance training, possible explanations for caffeine’s performance-enhancing effects lie in its metabolic effects on both lean and fat tissue. It is suggested that caffeine’s potent lipolytic (the breakdown of fat tissue into fatty acids) and oxidative (the actual ‘burning’ of fat) action allow the body to utilize these sources during prolonged submaximal exercise. As a consequence, muscle glycogen is spared and available for use later in the training session. Practically speaking, this means caffeine is forcing your body to preferentially use fat tissue as a fuel source, while sparing the glycogen which gives you the full-bodied look!
In short-term exercise, caffeine’s demonstrated role in the inhibition of cyclic AMP- phosphodiesterases (PDE), adenosine receptor antagonism, and adrenoreceptor agonism come into play. These three pathways collectively stimulate lipolytic activity, boost fat metabolism, increase metabolic rate and energy expenditure, and regulate the body’s thermogenic activity. The practical results of activating these pathways are increases to the contractile force of both cardiac and skeletal muscle (harder flexion), an increase in energy expenditure (freeing up more caloric energy to be used in contraction), dilation of vasculature (better blood flow), and improvements to both nitrogen retention and skeletal muscle protein synthesis (key components to muscle building.


Taurine also know as l-taurine is a naturally occurring organic acid that contains sulfur. It is often referred to as an amino acid but is not involved in the process of protein synthesis. Naturally Taurine is found in considerable amounts in the heart and brain, in some food sources such as meat and fish and also energy drink, pre workouts and bodybuilding performance supplements.

It has been suggested in studies that the combination of Taurine and Caffeine significant improvements in mental performance

Most notably Taurine has been shown to contain properties that assist in the regulation of muscular contraction and force during strength and aerobic activity. In particular, Taurine acts to increase muscle force production and enhance fatigue resistance from severe high intensity exercise by increasing the efficiency of the heart (stroke volume) and maintaining cell volume (osmoregulation).

It is best taken 15 – 30 minutes before exercise. Pre workout and sports performance supplements containing Taurine should be taken with water before exercise. The most efficacious dose is 1 – 2 grams per serve.


DMAA boosts the energy and stamina of an individual immediately. But, the exact mechanism behind the boost is still a question for many.
It is assumed that the role of DMAA in the human body is similar to adrenaline. Hence, you could experience a sudden kick or boost immediately after DMAA consumption. 
DMAA works as a vasodilator and central nervous system stimulant for the consumers. It constricts the blood vessel and arteries and releases the fight-or-flight hormone in the body. 
Moreover, similar to dopamine, it could activate the brain’s pleasure center as well.
The supplement takes around 20-30 minutes to show its effect on the consumer.  The supplement’s effect is potent, and it could make you lift additional weights after each set.

Beta Alanine

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential beta amino acid, which means that the amino group is at the beta position from the carboxylate group.
Beta-Alanine increases the concentration of carnosine in muscles. Carnosine scavenges reactive oxygen species, acting as a potent buffer against fatigue toxin production in working muscles. Reduced fatigue toxin production allows muscles to perform more reps, more sets and do more work before fatiguing.

Combined with a sensible diet and workout regime, Beta-Alanine therefore allows you to train harder, for longer, and stimulate more muscle growth. Beta-Alanine can also help increase performance for high intensity cardiovascular events. Beta-Alanine starts working as soon as it enters the bloodstream, which is typically 20-30 minutes after consumption.



Theobromine is a supplement that has natural anti-inflammatory properties and works to support cardiovascular and heart health. It promotes healthy brain function, healthy mood, and helps to supply energy. Theobromine may even help support healthy skin and promote healthy teeth. It also has other uses such as; acting as a thermogenic/fat burner, anti inflammatory properties, supports heart health, promotes healthy mood, supports brain function, fortifies immune function, and provides an amazing amount of energy.


L-Theanine is a non-essential amino acid that is most commonly found in green tea leaves. It can also be derived from certain edible mushroom species. Due to its ability to affect brain function, L-Theanine is considered a nootropic amino acid. 

L-Theanine has also been shown to improve attention and mood when combined with caffeine. When used before exercise, L-Theanine has been shown to improve reaction times and reduce feelings of tiredness and mental fatigue. As these combined effects are highly desirable for athletes competing in high stress, performance based sports, L-Theanine has become very popular with elite professional athletes. The most efficacious dose of L-Theanine is 100-200mg per serve.


Synepherine HCL

Synephrine helps to increase metabolic rate, increase caloric expenditure and elevate energy levels throughout the day. In particular, Synephrine is a beta-agonist similar to Ephedrine and acts to increase metabolic rate via increasing lipolysis and BMR (basal metabolic rate). Combined with a sensible diet and workout regime, Synephrine will help elevate your energy and mental focus, and increase your ability to burn calories throughout the day.


Yohimbine HCL & Alpha Yohimbine

Yohimbe bark extract is a concentrated, powdered form of the Yohimbe tree's bark or plants from the Rauwolfia family. Yohimbine HCL, on the other hand, is an isolated version of the yohimbine molecule, which is extracted from yohimbine bark and paired with hydrochloric acid. Both sources of yohimbine can have a powerful impact on the body.

Yohimbe works by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is part of your body’s autonomic nervous system (the system responsible for controlling unconscious processes like heart rate, respiratory rate, pupillary response, and digestion). When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, the body’s “fight or flight” response is activated. This, in turn, triggers the release of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines. The two catecholamines that play a significant role in the fight or flight response are adrenaline (or epinephrine) and noradrenaline (or norepinephrine).

When these catecholamines are released into the bloodstream, you become more alert and your body temperature and blood pressure increase. Essentially, your body springs into action and becomes prepared to take on whatever obstacles may be in your way.
Triggering the fight or flight response and the release of catecholamines isn’t just about fending off potential threats, though. The catecholamines your body releases in response to sympathetic nervous system stimulation also bind with special receptors in your fat cells (these are known as alpha–2 adrenergic receptors). When this happens, fat burning effects can occur.

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