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Ripped AF

Ripped AF

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Primal Labs Ripped AF is an extremley potent fat-burning powder supplement that provides a strong appetite suppressant, long-lasting energy and laser-sharp focus, to help individuals achieve their fat loss goals.


L-Carnitine Tartrate 2,000mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine 1,000mg

N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine (Eria Jarensis Extract) 200mg

Caffeine Anhydrous 200mg

1,3 DMAA 200mg

GBB Gamma Butyrobetaine  50mg

Synepherine HCL 30mg

Black Pepper Extract 10mg

Yohimbine HCL 10mg

Alpha Yohimbine 2mg

Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed, and perhaps one of the most reviewed, psychoactive compounds. Its physiological effects in a range of areas have been well-documented, including exercise performance, information processing, alertness and mood enhancement, attention, and awareness, along with its anti-lipogenic and lipolytic abilities.
Most importantly to Primal Labs, caffeine has been shown to have significant effects on exercise performance. In endurance training, possible explanations for caffeine’s performance-enhancing effects lie in its metabolic effects on both lean and fat tissue. It is suggested that caffeine’s potent lipolytic (the breakdown of fat tissue into fatty acids) and oxidative (the actual ‘burning’ of fat) action allow the body to utilize these sources during prolonged submaximal exercise. As a consequence, muscle glycogen is spared and available for use later in the training session. Practically speaking, this means caffeine is forcing your body to preferentially use fat tissue as a fuel source, while sparing the glycogen which gives you the full-bodied look!
In short-term exercise, caffeine’s demonstrated role in the inhibition of cyclic AMP- phosphodiesterases (PDE), adenosine receptor antagonism, and adrenoreceptor agonism come into play. These three pathways collectively stimulate lipolytic activity, boost fat metabolism, increase metabolic rate and energy expenditure, and regulate the body’s thermogenic activity. The practical results of activating these pathways are increases to the contractile force of both cardiac and skeletal muscle (harder flexion), an increase in energy expenditure (freeing up more caloric energy to be used in contraction), dilation of vasculature (better blood flow), and improvements to both nitrogen retention and skeletal muscle protein synthesis (key components to muscle building.

Black Pepper Extract
Whereas many spicy peppers supply thermogenic capsaicin, the primary bioactive constituent that makes spices spicy, black pepper derives most of its metabolic benefits from piperine, the bioactive alkaloid responsible for black pepper’s pungency and fat-burning potency.

Piperine is believed to work by interacting with the following receptors and proteins:

* TRPV1 + TRPA1: piperine seems to stimulate the activity of these two receptors, which play a key role in thermogenesis (calorie burning) and metabolic energy production.

* MC-4 Receptor: piperine also seems to stimulate MC-4, a receptor that modulates the activities of two enzymes involved in fat metabolism: LCAT and LPL.

* PPARγ + LXRα: piperine seems to inhibit these two proteins, which play a key role in the production and formation of new fat cells.

In other words, black pepper’s piperine seems to micro-target specific receptors and enzymatic pathways involved in both metabolic energy production and new fat cell formation — and this is only covering the “fat-burning” aspects of this constituent.
It also seems to assist with the intestinal absorption of other key nutrients.

Paired with other nutrients and nutraceuticals, namely those with poor oral bioavailability, piperine acts as an enhancer, essentially boosting the bio-benefits of the other ingredients sharing its formula.

Eria Jarensis Extract
Eria Jarensis Extract can be derived from Eria Jarensis , an Orchid species local to countries such as China and South East Asia. It can be classified as a Neuromodulator on the Central Nervous system, yielding a myriad of attractive benefits for one’s cognitive function.
As previously mentioned, Eria Jarensis Extract or provides therapeutic mood boosting effects due to its ability increasse levels of Dopamine and Noradrenaline the body. Dopamine is the hormone responsible for ‘feeling good’, with Eria Jarensis Extract or reported to give users a euphoric sensation. These hormones are also associated with enhacing concentration levels, alertness and focus, while other have also reported that Eria Jarensis Extract or was associated with the reduction in appetite, acting as a brochodilator and reducing feelings of anxiety! Therefore, supplenting with Eria Jarensis Extract or can increase the quality of one’s training, assist with fat loss and improve general concentration levels during the day.
This ingredient is very quick to commence its role, and begins to take effect as soon as it hits the blood stream. This can be as quick as 5 minutes depending on when you last consumed a meal.

Gamma-Butyrobetaine, or GBB for short, is a naturally occurring molecule that can go by many names. Gamma-Butyrobetaine ethyl ester HCl, Gamma-Butyrobetaine Hydrochloride, 4-trimethylaminobutyrate & deoxy-carnitine are all names for the same molecule we know as GBB. GBB is referred to as being a Pro-Carnitine molecule as our body actually converts GBB into L-Carnitine when producing L-Carnitine naturally

Think of GBB and L-Carnitine having to be in balance in the body because they actually do. If we supplement with GBB and increase our GBB levels, it will push the body to create more L-Carnitine to reach balance again. Alternatively, if we increase our L-Carnitine stores it will push the body to breakdown L-Carnitine into GBB to achieve that balance.

I know what you are thinking, supplementing with just L-Carnitine isn't sounding very effective anymore. L-Carnitine supplementation is still extremely beneficial for the body. Especially when supplementing with forms like Acetyl L-Carnitine due to its ability to cross the blood brain barrier and assist with mental cognition. L-Carnitine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning we don't get it from the diet, that is responsible for the transport of fatty acids around the body to then be used as energy. Which is why the synthesis of L-Carnitine is ramped up while we train as we try to convert more fatty acids into energy.

One so called supplement guru has the theory that the chemical reaction of GBB into L-Carnitine is exothermic, meaning it releases heat, and this reaction causes thermogenic effect in the body. We aren't trying saying that its right or wrong, we just know there is a thermogenic effect, especially from higher doses, when supplementing with GBB. 

The good news is dosages of 50 mg per day of GBB have been shown to be highly effective in increasing L-Carnitine levels in the body.

Synephrine HCL
Synephrine is a naturally occuring alkaloid that is considered to be a stimulant and nootropic due to it’s affect on weight loss and cognitive processes in the brain. Naturally Synephrine is found in some plants and animals, specifically most synephrine found in dietary supplements is extracted and synthesized from the Citrus Aurantium Plant.

Synephrine helps to increase metabolic rate, increase caloric expenditure and elevate energy levels throughout the day. In particular, Synephrine is a beta-agonist similar to Ephedrine and acts to increase metabolic rate via increasing lipolysis and BMR (basal metabolic rate). Combined with a sensible diet and workout regime, Synephrine will help elevate your energy and mental focus, and increase your ability to burn calories throughout the day.

Synephrine is best taken first thing in the morning or 15 – 30 minutes before exercise. Pre-workout and fat loss supplements containing Synephrine should be taken with water before exercise. The most efficacious dose is 25mg, our Ripped AF contains double the standard effective dose.


L-carnitine is a nutrient and dietary supplement. It plays a crucial role in the production of energy by transporting fatty acids into your cells’ mitochondria.The mitochondria act as engines within your cells, burning these fats to create usable energy. Your body can produce L-carnitine out of the amino acids lysine and methionine.

L-carnitine’s main role in your body involves mitochondrial function and energy production.
In cells, it helps transport fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they can be burned for energy. More than 95% of your L-carnitine stores are contained in your muscles, along with trace amounts in your blood, liver, heart, and kidneys.

analysis of nine studies — mostly in individuals with obesity or older adults — found that people lost an average of 2.9 pounds (lbs), or 1.3 kilograms (kg), more weight while taking L-carnitine.

L-carnitine may also benefit:
* Recovery: It may improve exercise recovery

* Muscle oxygen supply: It can increase the oxygen supply to your muscles

* Stamina: It might increase blood flow and nitric oxide production, helping delay discomfort and reduce fatigue.

* Muscle soreness: It could reduce muscle soreness after exercise.

* Red blood cell production: It may increase the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body and muscles.

* Performance: It could improve high intensity exercise performance when taken before working out.


DMHA acts as a central nervous system stimulant that increases the uptake of dopamine and noradrenaline. Both of these compounds are neurotransmitters in the brain and noradrenaline functions as a hormone.

This makes it a popular ingredient especially for top tier fat burner and pre workout supplements. It is an appreciated addition to many supplement labels because of its ability to drastically increase mental energy, and focus.

We like seeing DMHA paired with other ingredients that can enhance cognitive focus and mental energy. There are many great choices to pair alongside of DMHA, including; Caffiene Anhydrous and Tyrosine. These ingredients will help add to the energy and focus affects you will get out of this compound.

Yohimbine HCL & Alpha Yohimbine

Yohimbe bark extract is a concentrated, powdered form of the Yohimbe tree's bark or plants from the Rauwolfia family. Yohimbine HCL, on the other hand, is an isolated version of the yohimbine molecule, which is extracted from yohimbine bark and paired with hydrochloric acid. Both sources of yohimbine can have a powerful impact on the body.

Yohimbe works by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is part of your body’s autonomic nervous system (the system responsible for controlling unconscious processes like heart rate, respiratory rate, pupillary response, and digestion). When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, the body’s “fight or flight” response is activated. This, in turn, triggers the release of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines. The two catecholamines that play a significant role in the fight or flight response are adrenaline (or epinephrine) and noradrenaline (or norepinephrine).
When these catecholamines are released into the bloodstream, you become more alert and your body temperature and blood pressure increase. Essentially, your body springs into action and becomes prepared to take on whatever obstacles may be in your way.
Triggering the fight or flight response and the release of catecholamines isn’t just about fending off potential threats, though. The catecholamines your body releases in response to sympathetic nervous system stimulation also bind with special receptors in your fat cells (these are known as alpha–2 adrenergic receptors). When this happens, fat burning effects can occur.

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